This version of SyncEdit is a workaround to the "abort-on-new-users" problem, and is intended to allow SyncEdit to function on all systems until we can determine why this problem is occurring. A full-fledged fix is being pursued. It is functionally identical to v1.1.0 and is ONLY of value if SyncEdit is aborting on new users. If SyncEdit is not aborting with new users on your BBS, then you don't need this package as there are no feature changes to this version. It will work in either registered (key file present) or unregistered mode. The executable included is a drop-in replacement for your current SYNCEDIT.EXE and there are no changes to the setup of SyncEdit itself, though there are changes to the new user security level. See the end of this document for specifics on setup. How this version works: If SyncEdit determines that a user has zero time left, typically it will abort with a message to that effect. And this is exactly what is causing the problem with aborting on new users. Somehow or other, SyncEdit is receiving information from Synchronet which it believes indicates the new user has no time remaining. Consequently it aborts. In order for SyncEdit to work around this, you MUST set your new user level to 10 or less within your new user setup in SCFG. By doing this, if SyncEdit gets a bad number for time remaining, it will then check to see if the user level is 10 or less. If it is, the SyncEdit will NOT abort, but rather allow the user 30 minutes to complete their new user feedback. We had to choose a new user level reference point to work with, and from what we could determine, 10 seemed to be about right. Installation: o Copy SYNCEDIT.EXE over the original SyncEdit executable. o Set your NEW USER level to 10 or less. If you already have your new user level set to 10 or less then you should be ready to roll. The other new user parameters can be whatever you wish or can be copied from your previous new user values. That's it. New users should be able to use SyncEdit without aborting. If you encounter difficulties with THIS version, *please* make us aware of the specifics!